Tuesday, 2 August 2011

garden snaps

These are some pictures of my youngest daughter's garden. I think she has a green thumb.

A couple of months ago I made a new veggie garden area. It only receives limited sunlight during winter though. So I filled it with leafy greens such as broccoli, cauliflowers, rocket, Bok choy, as well as peas. They are so far doing great, and the Bok choy is doing brilliantly.

These are what my 'normal' carrots look like after harvest.

Also, I love a funny veggie shot. See what do think of this one ( sorry if you find it offensive).


  1. It looks like a very pretty garden that your daughter has created!
    Those Bokchois look SO healthy! How did you get around the slugs making holes in the leaves?!

  2. I think it's just plain luck Phoebe. It is a new garden area and I don't think the snails have found it yet. They certainly are elsewhere in my garden though.

  3. Such a pretty garden and I love that carrot!! Heeeehee :)

  4. That carrot belongs with artist Uli Westphal mutatoes collection.
    http://uliwestphal.de/mutatoes.html, just blogged about them and your carrot at
    http://landcare.blogspot.com/2011/08/mutato-project-celebrating-imperfect.html (hope that's OK).

  5. Thanks Kirsty, I almost feel famous!
